Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Like what I mentioned in my previous post regarding "Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds", Second life foster creativity since you can create your own second life on their server and you can do whatever you want with your avatar on it. This will lead to people trying out things that they never had a chance to in their real life. Another new media that we used in class is twitter. You may ask how twitter foster creativity? According to "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers" Twitter are outsourcing the design of the website to its users. So this gives everyone a chance to change Twitter into something they like or prefer. It would lead to new ideas that would satisfy a lot of people since they're the one using it so they know what they want and how they want it.

Work Cited:


  1. I wrote about the same twitter article. I wish FB would change some things to what the users want. like more privacy and control over who can read you wall posts like they used to allow.

  2. I read the same article as well and didn't know that many of Twitter's innovations came from user feedback and suggestions. Blackboard should do that as well, I think that would most likely greatly improve the website for students.
