Tuesday, April 5, 2011

About My Term Research Paper

My topic is Impact of Facebook from an Educational, Economic and Sociological Perspective. I changed my topic since I sorta went over the boundaries of my old topic regarding privacy. I basically did my research using Google Scholar and Google to search for scholarly and non-scholarly news articles such as new york times. I found several things that are interesting like how Facebook expose you to identity theft. You can easily find out a person first 5 digits of their ssn by knowing where they're born and when they are born. The first 3 digits can be identified by knowing your hometown since each location have their own specific set of ssn (First 3 digits.). The next 2 digits can be known when you give out your birthdate and the last 4 digits are usually used in people's id or passwords.


  1. Hey, I also wrote my paper one Facebook and used similar research methods such as Google and Google Scholar. The good thing about writing a paper on Facebook is that there a hundreds of great relevant articles to use. Did you have any trouble with your information?

  2. I knew the ssn had a meaning but i couldn't remember. but now that you mention it, I may google it one day. very interesting. I also don't like putting my bday on fb because then people who you haven't spoken to in years say happy birthday to you. i just don't see the point in that.

  3. Facebook is really dangerous in my opinion, the amount of information held on that site is more than any other site, it's pretty scare if they ever get hacked. Interesting.

  4. I wrote my paper on a topic siimilar to this! It really is a frightening thing to learn about though. Almost makes me want to delete my facebook!

  5. Sorry for the late message, but I haven't been checking my blog comments often.

    @James, I actually had problem on finding scholarly sources to use in my paper since there aren't many studies of Facebook and its economic impact.
